About Toy2R
Created out of an obsession for designer/art toys and collectables, Hong Kong based company Toy2r continues to break down the boundaries between product design, art and graphics.
Mastermind Raymond Choy founded the company in 1995 where he took his dream of a once owned toy store known as ‘Toy R’ (short for Toy Raymond), which held countless quantitiesof limited edition toy collectables, and turned it into a internationally recognized company amongst the first to explore the potential of the designer/art toy movement. Ultimately, instilling contemporary art into the vinyl toy market we all know and love today.
Toy2r is a multi-faceted company whose logo was taken from our most loved and cherished mascot, the ‘Toyer.’ In 2001 Raymond released the skull-headed figure alongside what was to become the most ubiquitous toy canvas in the world, the Qee keychain figure (Please see About Qee for further information).
We take great pride in our determination at Toy2r to not only innovate but inspire artists’, designers’ and the world’s generation of youth alike. Our main objective is to provide limited/collectable designer/art toys at an affordable price, based on the coolest designs for the current international market.
Toy2r has received numerous internationally renowned awards for our outstanding achievements; starting with the 2007 Vinyl Toy of the Year from Plastic and Plush, since 2002 winning AFT’s (Action Figure Times) Best Block Toy Award for six consecutive years running, AFT’s Best Vinyl Toy Award in 2006, AFT’s Most Innovative Company Award in 2004, AFT’s Toygodd’s Crystal Award from 2003 - 2005 and many more.
Toy2r continues to grow in an influential world while expanding the definition of art. You will find our Qeecreations in more concept stores, galleries and museums worldwide. So join the “Qeevolution” because everyone wants to collect more Qee!
Toy2R成立於1995年,他的前身是一間位於香港尖沙咀,專售美日設計師公仔的玩具店。自2001年開始,Toy2R推出自有品牌Qee的骷髏頭(Toyer)搪膠公仔,結果消費者的反應熱烈。而今,Toy2R已成為世界知名的公仔品牌,因為Toy2R不僅擁有香港設計師所設計生產的公仔商品外,亦出產許多知名國際設計師及跨界合作商品。Toy2R除了保持產品本身之獨特性與多樣化,更進一步將公仔轉型成為具有藝術價值與增值空間的玩具收藏品,打破一般人對於公仔玩具的傳統價值觀。目前Toy2R已將其觸角伸至全世界,積極地推廣其“Designer Toy”以及“Art Toy”概念,並將概念化為實際的行動,除了發表與世界各地的設計師與品牌設計的商品外,更舉辦世界巡迴展覽,將所有的設計概念介紹給全世界不同的國家。
